Weekend Fitness Ideas

 TGIF! The weekend is quickly approaching us. Have you decided what you will do to keep active and maintain a healthy lifestyle? Physical activity is one of the best ways to improve health. Physically active people have significantly lower incidences of cancer, obesity, and diabetes. An added benefit is it reduces the effect of aging as well. Physical activity helps you feel better, sleep better, reduces anxiety, and helps your brain function better according to the CDC.

This is the perfect opportunity to make it fun by enjoying time with friends and family while in outdoor activities. Cycling season is finally here as well as kayak season.

If you are in the Austin area, Zilker park is one of my personal favorites. It is close to beautiful downtown Austin and right next to Lady Bird Lake. The Rowing Dock is my go to for kayak rentals. They have very reasonable rates and I don't have to worry about storing a personal kayak and transporting it. For less than $30 you can have a couple of ours of fun on the late and be at one with nature. 

For cycling enthusiasts, if you are in the San Antonio area and are moderately advanced then I would definitely recommend the Scenic Loop route. If you do it right you can squeeze out a 50 mile ride! Plenty of hills, very low traffic, and lots of nature for those that have a road bike. But don't forget your Gu gell and make sure to pre hydrate! 

Lastly, lets talk about hydration. Don't for get to pre hydrate before engaging on physical activities. By the time you feel thirsty you are already dehydrated, but it's not too late. I keep a good supply of Liquid IV on hand to rapidly hydrate or pre hydrate if I am already feeling thirsty. There are many good brands out there but this is my favorite and they have several delicious flavors to chose from. 

Be sure to like and follow my Instagram fitness page for more great fitness ideas at eddie_miles


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