Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)

   Most of us that have done extreme sports or extreme exercise have experienced extreme muscle soreness a couple days post workout . This phenomenon is known as Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness is a common experience that occurs after unaccustomed or strenuous exercise. It is characterized by muscle pain, stiffness, and tenderness.

     DOMS symptoms typically begin 24 to 72 hours after exercise and peak within 24 to 48 hours. The pain is usually felt only when the muscle is stretched, contracted, or put under pressure.
     DOMS is caused by eccentric exercise, which is when a muscle lengthens under load. When you do an eccentric exercise, the muscle fibers are stretched and torn, which causes inflammation and pain.
     Listen to your body if you feel too much pain &and/or discomfort
     The bad news is there is no cure for DOMS, but there are several things you can do to relieve the pain and speed up recovery. Some good remedies to mitigate the severity include resting the affected muscles, applying ice or heat, taking over-the-counter pain relievers, stretching and massaging the affected muscles, eating a healthy diet, and getting enough sleep.

     The good news is there are some things you can do to reduce the incidence of a DOMS occurrence. Mitigation techniques include warming up before exercise, cooling down after exercise, gradually increasing the intensity of your workouts, taking branch chained amino acids (BCAA) post workout, cryotherapy , compression therapy, and avoiding exercises that cause eccentric muscle contractions.

     One thing that is certain is that you will never have to worry about DOMS if you don't engage in serious physical activity. The first and most difficult step is to get started. 
     So, I'll see you on the trails, in the gym, or on the winners podium! Good luck and be safe. 

     For more fitness content like and follow! I'm also on Instagram with some interactive content and fitness videos. 


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